13.11.2014 22:01 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple Seeds New Betas of Safari 8.0.1, 7.1.1, and 6.2.1 [Mac Blog]

Apple has released a new Safari 8.0.1 beta for developers running OS X Yosemite, along with a Safari 7.1.1 beta for Mavericks and a Safari 6.2.1 beta for older versions of OS X. The new Safari builds can be downloaded through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store. Safari 8.0.1 for OS X Yosemite requires OS X 10.10 or 10.10.1, while Safari 7.1.1 for OS X Mavericks requires OS X 10.9.5 and Safari 6.2.1 for OS X Mountain Lion requires OS X 10.8.5. In the beta notes for Safari 8.0.1, Apple asks developers to focus on features like Extension compatibility, WebGL graphics on Retina displays, Password AutoFill, and more.In addition to a Safari update, Apple is also working on the first OS X Yosemite update, , which asks developers to focus on Wi-Fi, Exchange accounts in Mail, and the Notification Center.

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