21.08.2014 08:54 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Walmart Dropping Price of iPhone 5c to $0.97, iPhone 5s to $79 for 90-Day Period [iOS Blog]

Walmart will begin offering the 16 GB iPhone 5c for $0.97 with a two-year contract during the next 90 days, . The move by the retailer of the 16GB iPhone 5c to $29 in June, as Walmart will offer the special pricing to customers on AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular. The company is also dropping the on-contract price of the 16GB iPhone 5s to $79, down from $99. It is likely that these new price drops are being done to get rid of existing inventory before the introduction of the , which will be on September 9 and likely go on sale about a week later. The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is expected to be launched first, as the release of the 5.5-inch version may be delayed due to . Both versions are likely to incorporate a , a , an , and .

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