19.08.2014 07:45 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Video Shows New Lightning Cable with Reversible USB Connector in Action

Last Friday, of a new Lightning cable with a reversible USB connector surfaced, which was followed by another from frequent iOS device part leaker Sonny Dickson. Now, Dickson has shared a of the Lightning cable in action, showing its USB connector being reversed and plugged in both ways. Apple could start shipping a new Lightning cable alongside the next wave of iOS device releases this fall, which will likely start with the . It is unknown if the updated cable will contain any new features aside from a reversible USB connector, although have pointed to support for high-definition audio playback. An Apple discussing a reversible USB connector was also published last month, and discussed a more user-friendly design compared to current cables. However, it is unknown if this new cable will face from the likes of California company UltraTek, which already holds a patent itself for a reversible connector and currently sells cables through major online retailers.

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