17.08.2014 11:09 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Another Image of New Lightning Cable with Reversible USB Connector Surfaces

Earlier this week, photos to be of a new Lightning cable with a reversible USB connector surfaced. The images were said to be sourced from Apple supplier Foxconn, and were shown in a production stage. Now, frequent iOS device part leaker shares a of the accessory, further indicating that a new Lightning cable with a reversible USB connector may be on the horizon: While the USB connector on the current Lightning cable is attached to the bottom of its metal housing, the connector of the supposedly newer cable is attached to the center. The structure of the newer cable was also spotted in previous photos, and likely indicates that this is a reversible USB connector. It is also therefore possible that the new Lightning cable could utilize USB 3.0 technology, as current Lightning cables support only USB 2.0. Apple could start shipping new cables alongside forthcoming iOS devices starting with the . In addition to a reversible connector, the new Lightning cable could also feature support for high-definition a

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