13.08.2014 21:09 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

iPhone 6 Front Panel, Power Button, and Mute Switch Shown in High-Quality Photos

Following previous photo sets showing an and in recent weeks, luxury modified iPhone vendor [] has shared another set of high-quality photos showing parts from the device. While many of the parts have already been seen, this new set provides our best look yet at some of those, as well as a few new ones. One photo shows the inside of the front panel and display assembly, with some of the components near the top pulled apart to give a good look at how the digitizer/LCD flex cables and earpiece come together with room for the front camera and proximity/ambient light sensors all packed into one small area of the device. Several other photos also highlight how the edges of the front panel taper. Those tapered edges should sit essentially flush with the edges of the rounded rear shell, providing for a sleek, nearly seamless look and feel for the iPhone 6. Also shown are extreme closeups of the power button and mute switch. The silver metal finish of the power button can be easily seen, and Feld & Volk say

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