07.08.2014 19:27 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple Seeds OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 Build 13F12 to Developers [Mac Blog]

Apple today seeded Mavericks 10.9.5 build 13F12 to developers, just over a week after seeding the , build 13F7, and more than a month after releasing . The beta is available through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store and through the Mac Developer Center. It is unclear what improvements the 10.9.5 update will bring to Mavericks, but it is likely to include bug fixes and stability enhancements. Apple is asking developers to focus on USB, USB Smart Cards, Graphics, Safari, and Thunderbolt. Along with working on improvements to Mavericks, Apple is also beta testing , which is due to be released in the fall. The last Mavericks update, 10.9.4, added several Wi-Fi fixes and improved wake from sleep reliability.

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