06.08.2014 04:36 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple and Samsung Agree to End Non-U.S. Patent Disputes

Apple and Samsung have issued a joint statement today announcing an agreement to drop all patent lawsuits against each other outside of the United States, . The move is yet another signal that the long-running patent dispute between Apple and Samsung may be winding down, as it was reported in June that the two companies were . The two also their cross-appeal rulings on the ITC ban of older Samsung phones around the same time. In May, it was reported the two were looking to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. And earlier this year, it was reported that Tim Cook sat down with Samsung Electronics CEO Oh-Hyun Kwon in a . However, the two sides did not come to an agreement at that time. Apple has already settled patent disputes with other companies, like in May of this year and HTC .

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