04.08.2014 20:54 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple TV Beta Includes Redesigned Interface With iOS 7-Style Icons, Fonts [Mac Blog]

Alongside and the , Apple today launched a new Apple TV software beta, which includes a long-awaited interface update. The new interface includes new icons, which are designed to resemble the icons in iOS 7, with a flatter, less glossy look. Several icons, like Music, Computers, and TV Shows have new colors, and the on-screen fonts have been updated as well. Previous Apple TV betas have also added new Family Sharing options and support for iCloud Photos, both of which are features introduced in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. Currently, the Apple TV beta is available only to registered developers, but the updated software is expected to be released to the public in the fall, likely alongside the launch of iOS 8.

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