() shares some new photos of an alleged Touch ID fingerprint sensor said to be for the iPhone 6. The component appears to be mostly similar in design to the Touch ID component used for the iPhone 5s, aside from relocated screw holes that line up with the metal housing of the device. Apple supplier Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is said to have the first batch of fingerprint sensors for the iPhone 6, iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 in May. A report last month that these newer Touch ID units would be more durable than the ones currently found in the iPhone 5s thanks to an updated manufacturing process that uses tin. Higher shipments for Touch ID components would likely help launch supplies for the iPhone 6, as low yield rates of the component were for the limited supplies of the iPhone 5s last year. The iPhone 6 will likely be this September, and is expected to come in two sizes of 4.7-inches and 5.5-inches. However, a recent report that the company is running into production issues with