Golden ears of the world, unite! While other people are happy with the incredible convenience that listening to MP3s and AACs on an iOS device offers--thousands of songs, anytime, anywhere--audiophiles decry the lower quality that comes as part of the bargain.If you crave sound quality on a par with (or even better than) a CD but still require the freedom that comes from carrying a bunch of music on your iPhone or iPad, it's time to look at lossless audio.A quick compression primer: Lossy compression formats such as AAC and MP3 take up less storage space than standard CD audio does, but if you listen carefully you might notice that something is lost in translation. It's usually the low-end and high-end frequencies that are sacrificed in the name of smaller file size.You could opt for uncompressed audio--AIFF or WAV files that are an exact copy of the song on a CD--but the files become so large (about 10MB per minute) that they make storage space a real concern.That's where lossl