Speculation that had been growing about mysterious barges harbored on both sides of the U.S. is exploding.The barges, each carrying a large, modular looking structure about 40 feet wide and 70 to 80 feet long, have been moved into and docked in harbors in San Francisco and Portland, Maine.It's widely rumored that Google owns the structures that could be carrying floating data centers, Google Glass stores or Apple-like Google retail operations.Google has not responded to multiple requests for information on the barges.The speculation has been fueled by how hard everyone around the projects is working to blunt any questions about the barges.These shipping containers piled on top of a barge in Portland, Maine, could be a Google floating data center, although the Internet company won't say. A similar barge is docked in San Francisco Bay. (Photo: Sharon Gaudin/Computerworld)The construction company working on the barge in Maine and the Portland Harbormaster are tight li