Finding just the right page among the billions on the Web requires not only a search engine but also a bit of know-how. Here is a selection of my favorite tips for searching the Web.1. Search for a phraseTo search for an exact, complete phrase and not just its constituent words, put it in quotation marks. For example, instead of typing at sunrise on my birthday type "at sunrise on my birthday". The number of hits will shrink dramatically, as you'll see only pages that include that exact phrase.2. Be more specificIf you want to find articles about managing bookmarks in Safari on an iPhone running iOS 7, don't search for�just manage bookmarks. Throw all those terms in: manage bookmarks safari iphone ios 7. The more information you provide, the more useful your results are likely to be.3. Exclude a wordTo make sure your search for information on the connector your iPhone uses doesn't return matches about an atm