24.04.2013 22:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

A WWDC keynote would be the longest gap between events ever

Jay Yarow's done the homework and determined that if Apple takes the stage as expected at WWDC, it'll be 230 days from the last big Apple event. That would make this the longest wait for a new Apple event ever, at least since the iPad's launch in 2010. The previous record was 132 days between the launch of the MacBook Air and the iPad 2, so this wait trumps that by at least three months. Yarow cites that wait over at Business Insider for the recent drop in Apple's stock price, and indeed, you can see on the line above that Apple's stock does seem to line up to the reveal events. But there are a lot of factors going into that stock price. The difference i

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