11.01.2013 01:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
NPD report finds Xbox 360 'dominated' 2012 console sales, 890,000 Wii Us sold in the US so far
It's a trend that's been clear for some time now, but NPD's year-end report out today has confirmed that the Xbox 360 is the clear winner in console sales for 2012, with 1.4 million units sold in December alone keeping it what NPD describes as a dominent position. As for this year's big new console, the Wii U, NPD reports that it's sold nearly 890,000 units in the US after its first 41 days on the market, with 460,000 sold in December (actually less than the 475,000 the original Wii sold). Nintendo found a slightly different spin to put on that, though, noting that the Wii U has generated $30 million more than the original Wii at the same point in its lifecycle, which sold more units but also cost less. As for Nintend
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