28.03.2012 13:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Baldur's Gate for iPad will be under $10, include multiplayer

Good news on that new version of Baldur's Gate that was just announced. Not only is it going to be released for under $10, but it'll also include multiplayer of some kind. What kind? Details are still fuzzy, but developer Beamdog says not only would it be crazy to sell it for more than $10, but there will also be some way to play with your friends, included. Here's hoping that's some real-time co-op gameplay, and not just competitive leaderboards. Though we won't turn down competitive leaderboards either, for that matter. And there's even more than that: The game's sequel, Baldur's Gate 2, is also coming to iPad even later on in

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