07.03.2012 20:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Apple new iPad hands-on!
Here she is -- the iPad HD! Er, new iPad. Breaking away from the numerical tracking system used before (and still used in the iPhone range), Apple has decided to highlight the most major change in its newest slate by simply dubbing it "new." By and large, the new guy is the same as the old guy (Home button included), but with a few nice amenities that could very well convince OG iPad owners to upgrade. Upon touching the HD variant, it's not the overall form factor that grabs us -- it's the screen. Given that we're unashamed Pixel Density Enthusiasts 'round these parts, seeing a 2,048 x 1,536 resolution display in the same area as the prior 'Pads is stunning. Nearly two months ago to the day, ASUS wowed our
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