06.03.2012 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me de-install Pogoplug

Dear Aunt TUAW, My Pogoplug died several months ago. I haven't been using it since then. Today I discovered that it was still launching about a half dozen background processes, for example: 93 ?? 0:03.62 /Applications/Pogoplug/.resources/bin/hbwd /Applications/Pogoplug/.resources/bin/hbadmin. Help me stop these from launching. I don't have a Pogoplug anymore and I don't want it running stuff that I haven't agreed to. Thanks a bunch and here's some home-baked cookies for your pinochle night. Your loving nephew, Dan B. Dear Dan, The cookies were amazing! Who knew that you could

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