28.02.2012 22:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Siri thinks Daylight Saving Time starts 4 days early

TUAW reader Dave Miller sent in this little oddity. If you ask Siri when daylight savings time (or "daylight saving time" if you want to be precise) begins, it gives you the wrong answer. (To those of you rushing to Apple's defense to mention that Siri is in "beta" let me save you the trouble: Yes, I know Siri is in beta. I also know that Apple is using Siri as a major selling point of the iPhone 4S, and is running commercials showing its flawless use.) March 7th, 2012 is a Wednesday, and DST actually begins on March 11th, 2012 at 2 a.m. local time (except for Arizona and Hawaii). TUAW writer Chris Rawson adds: "It's clearly not location dependent, because it says the same thing down here in [New Zea

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