10.02.2012 05:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Tesla unveils Model X SUV, wants to be your all-electric crossover come 2013
We're here at the Tesla Design Studio in Los Angeles, where Elon Musk just unveiled his startup's third vehicle: an SUV it calls the Model X. The 'ute sports some rather unique looking "falcon wing" doors which, like the Lambo-styled ports your cousin just put on his Acura, make loading people and things even easier in tight parking spaces. Powered by the same drivetrain as the Model S, the heavier, bigger-boned crossover still clocks in at a claimed 4.4 seconds to go from 0 to 60mph -- the same as the Model S' most performant variant (4.4). GigaOm scored an early ridealong, and mentions the $50,00 - $70,000 vehicle will seat 7 people wh
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