31.01.2012 06:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Panasonic announces pricing for entry-level Lumix CES point-and-shoots

Panasonic's slew of low-end Lumix point-and-shoots may have slid in under your radar during CES, but now the Japanese camera maker is back to refresh your memory -- this time with pricing and availability in tow. We'll outline the models just below, which are all set to ship in March, but feel free to jump past the break for the Panasonic press release. Lumix DMC-S2 - $109.99 Lumix DMC-FH6 - $129.99 Lumix DMC-FH8 - $149.99 Lumix DMC-SZ1 - $179.99 Lumix DMC-SZ7 - $199.99Gallery:

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