31.01.2012 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Must See HDTV (January 30th - February 5th)

This week is all about the big game, but even if you're not watching the Super bowl, there's a lot to tune in for. We've got a slew of new premieres, plenty of NBA and NHL action, and even an old favorite coming home on Blu-ray. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames.Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Next LevelOne of the best science fiction series ever returns, this week, remastered and in HD. Check after the break for a video splitscreen showing off the original video crossed over with the new special effects, which were recomposited back on top of the origi

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