13.01.2012 22:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Spotted: Samsung's 17-inch Series 7 Chronos laptop

And then there were three. The first time we saw Samsung's Series 7 Chronos, we knew it was going to be offered in two mainstream sizes -- 14 and 15.6 inches -- but now we know the line's going to include a desktop replacement as well. The company's soon to ship a 17-inch model with a matte, 300-nit, 1080p display, next-gen Core i7 processor, JBL speakers and some unspecified ATI graphics card with 2GB of video memory. As you'd imagine, the industrial design is identical to the 15-inch version we reviewed, and incorporates the same SuperBright display used on the Series 5 Chromeb

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