05.01.2012 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Neonode's NN1001 optical touch controller tracks gestures with any object, 'gloved fingers' included

Neonode's name isn't plastered on your spate of gizmos, but if you've purchased a touchscreen-based device in the past year or so, there's a better-than-average chance that it's technology is tucked within. In the run-up to CES, the outfit is introducing the world's first ultra-low power single-chip optical touch controller, NN1001. This guy was developed in cooperation with Texas Instruments, specifically designed to shave costs and increase performance / functionality for smartphones, tablets, e-readers and automotive applications. The device has a scanning speed of 1,000 Hz (latency down to one millisecond) and consumes less than 1mW at 100Hz; better still, it'll track any high-speed mu

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