Waiting for Lion to show up in App Store? We are too. Here's how we are checking.
When you want to pull a URL from Mac App Store, you need to emulate its user agent. curl -silent -A "iMacAppStore/1.0.1 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6.7; en) AppleWebKit/533.20.25" will do that for you.
Want to search the store? Same idea, but give it a query like this: curl -A "iMacAppStore/1.0.1 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6.7; en) AppleWebKit/533.20.25" -H "X-Apple-Store-Front: 143441-1,13" 'http://ax.search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?q=SEARCH_PHRASE_HERE'
The search phrase must be URL-escaped, e.g. "OS X Lion" is "OS%20X%20Lion".
Then do a little grep-fu, namely grep -iv 'killer' | grep 'mt=12' | grep 'class=.name' These ste