25.05.2011 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Digital Storm's ODE gaming PC brings the heat

It may look like a space heater (in the best way possible, of course), but what you're looking at is actually Digital Storm's very first pre-built gaming system, the ODE. Available in your choice of "Good," "Better," "Best," or "Ultimate" configurations, the rig packs a Core i7-2600K processor that can be overclocked to 5.0GHz, along with NVIDIA GTX 570 graphics (SLI in all but the lowest config), a standard 8GB of RAM, plus a regular 1TB hard drive that can be paired with an SSD up to 120GB -- not to mention that nice red glow, which shouldn't actually give off much heat thanks to some liquid cooling. Check out the gallery below for a closer look, and hit up the source link to place your order if you like wha

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