19.05.2011 16:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Verizon adds 4G LTE to nine more cities, expands coverage in Chicago, Philadelphia

Verizon Wireless customers will be able to jet on to the LTE network in nine new cities, taking advantage of lightening-fast speeds on their HTC Thunderbolts and 4G mobile hotspots. The expansion includes Mobile and Montgomery (AL); Greater Fairfield and New Haven (CT); Gainesville, Pensacola, and Tallahassee (FL); Fayetteville-Lumberton (NC); and Bryan-College Station and Temple-Killeen (TX). We also have access in Albany, though VZW has yet to confirm launching LTE in New York's capital city. The carrier has also expanded coverage in Atlanta, Chicago, Denv

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