17.05.2011 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Compose with a full orchestra on your iPad or iPhone

Many years ago I built a music synthesizer kit. It was a mass of circuit boards and wires. When I got done, any note I played warbled and went quickly off key. Times have changed, and now, rather amazingly, an iPhone or iPad can be home to a massive orchestra that will do your bidding as you compose or transcribe music wherever you are. That brings us to WI Orchestra, a new app from Wallander Instruments that allows you to create and record orchestral music, layer by layer. The app is free, but only gives you a handful of instruments. In-app purchases let you select an entire family of instruments for US $2.99. To get them all will cost you $15. Wallander technology has been in

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