16.05.2011 19:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Elgato HDHomeRun lets you record live digital TV over network

Elgato has just announced a new product that will let you watch and record digital TV in full high-definition on any computer on your home network. HDHomeRun is a dual tuner that connects to both your cable TV or digital TV antenna and your network router, and then streams live TV over Wi-Fi or Ethernet. On your Mac, Elgato's EyeTV 3 software is used to watch, pause and rewind live TV. The software can also be used to find upcoming TV shows, record the shows for viewing at a later time, and export the recordings to iTunes so that they can be played back on iOS devices. Elgato also notes that by using HDHomeRun with its EyeTV app, you can stream live or recor

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