16.05.2011 18:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

GoFlex Satellite is your iPad's portable, wireless hard drive

Seagate introduced the GoFlex Satellite, a portable, battery-powered hard drive targeted for iOS devices. The external hard drive includes an iOS app for the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch that lets you browse and view multimedia files stored on the drive. Different than most external drives, the GoFlex uses WiFi to share its data with up to three WiFi-enabled devices at the same time. If you need faster transfers, an included cable lets you connect the drive to any USB 3.0 port. The battery-powered drive delivers five hours of continuous usage and 25 hours in standby mode. The drive ships in a single 500 GB capacity option (US$199) and is available for pre-order now from Seagate, Amazon and Best Buy. The drive should hit U.S. retail shelves in July an

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