12.05.2011 10:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3 ups the interchangeable lens ante with fancy new touchscreen

Right on schedule, Panasonic's gone and made its thinly-veiled Lumix DMC-G3 Micro Four Thirds shooter official. The Micro Four Thirds shooter succeeds the G2 with a a 16 megapixel sensor, support for 1080p AVCHD video recording with stereo audio, 4fps burst shooting at full resolution, and an articulating, 3-inch touchscreen that supplants some of the dials adorning the last-gen model. In addition to poking around menus, you can touch that display to focus on your subject, and slide your finger to tweak exposure, white balance, and depth of field -- all in all, not unlike how you might interact with a smartphone camera. And, at 11.8 ounces

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