11.05.2011 19:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Angry Birds gets a web version, demonstrates it in Google Chrome

Yet another platform has been conquered by the angered aviaries: the web! It's built in WebGL, so presumably browsers other than Google's Chrome should be able to run it as well, and even if you can't run WebGL, there's Canvas support too. 60fps are promised on most modern PCs, and we've spotted SD and HD labels, suggesting there'll be a choice of quality to match your computer's performance. Offline gaming will also be available! Chrome will get some exclusive content, such as "Chrome bombs" and other cutesy bits. Rovio just noted it's "really, really happy about the 5 percent," referring to Google's pricing model of charging a flat fee of 5 percent to developers on in-app purchases in the Chrome Web Store. The game will b

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