11.05.2011 08:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

RoboDynamics Luna: the 5-foot tall personal robotic platform that retails for $1,000

It's a new era for personal robotics. Meet Luna, the full-programmable robot companion platform that will retail for $1,000. As a platform, RoboDynamics -- a Santa Monica-based company previously grounded in telepresence -- is trying to position Luna as the 5-foot tall "beige box" of modern robotics. She comes with her own one-click Luna App Store, eight "Luna Expansion Ports" (think 12/5 volt USB for robots), and Luna CloudNet where third-parties can sell additional functionality like face recognition to app developers. The robot ships with a number of personality packs and features an 8-inch touchscreen, two cameras, wireless connectivity, a three-mic array, and a variety of sensors. Oh, and she's portable. Remember, Luna's not a p

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