09.05.2011 17:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Softbank profits surge thanks to the iPhone and iPad

Japan's number three wireless carrier, Softbank, reported record profits thanks to the success of the iPhone and the iPad. Net profit for the quarter ending in March climbed to Y47.41 billion, up from Y1.85 billion in the same quarter last year. Softbank's ARPU (average revenue per user) also increased year over year from Y4,070 to Y4,210, an increase attributed to the lucrative data subscriptions of iPhone 4 and iPad owners. As the exclusive carrier of the iPhone 4 in Japan, Softbank is in a good position financially for the upcoming fiscal year. "The expansion of the smartphone market led by the iPhone and iPad was a huge factor that contributed to the growth (in 2010), " said Softbank President and CEO Masayoshi Son. In its

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