04.05.2011 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iPhone becomes an instant photo printer in this concept design

Freelance designer Mac Funamizu worked his creative magic and developed a concept iPhone dock that merges the best of the iPhone with the technology of yore. Funamizu conceptualized a classic iPhone dock that lets iPhone owners print instant pictures Land Camera-style. The Polaroid-inspired design prints up a colored image on photo paper with a QR code that links to a third-party website like Flickr or Photobucket. If you geo-tagged the photo, you can even add a map to the freshly printed image. This is a lovely concept for fans of the iconic Polaroid Land camera, but sadly it may never land on retail shelves. For more pictures of this concept design, point your browser to Funamizu's web

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