27.04.2011 12:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Ad-supported Kindle ships early, fans of grayscale advertising rejoice

Great news for people who love to read but wish the experience involved more advertising: an Amazon executive has announced the ad-supported Kindle, originally slated for a May 3 release, is going out to customers nearly a week early. Kindle with Special Offers, as it's affectionately known, will ship out April 27, loaded with timely adverts from your favorite brands, including General Motors, Proctor & Gamble and Visa - those are your favorite brands, aren't they? In exchange for sponsored screensavers and ads at the bottom of your home screen, you'll get a latest generation WiFi-only Kindle for a only $114 - sorry, offer available in the US only. Act now, as

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