12.04.2011 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Pieceable lets iPhone developers demo apps in a browser

Pieceable has introduced an online tool that lets iPhone developers offer a preview of their application to prospective customers. The tool, called Viewer, uses Flash to create a version of the application that can previewed using a Flash-compatible browser. Developers can easily implement this service by adding a line of Pieceable-specific code to their iPhone app and uploading their application file to Pieceable's website. Pieceable will generate a web link to your app that you can share with others. The tool only supports iPhone apps. A future version will add support for the iPad. Pieceable is a premium service, but a free trial is available that lets you share one application for one hour with one person at a time. A Pro ver

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