02.04.2011 21:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

SYNC's second version off to a buggy start, Ford fixes with Ctrl-Alt-Delete

With it being ordered in 80 percent of its 2011 models, SYNC's been a boon to Ford's bottom line, but it's not all peaches and cream for the Dearborn crew's connectivity platform. Our friends at Autoblog are reporting that the second generation of the infotainment software has a nasty little habit of restarting itself when something goes wrong with one of the applications. Doesn't sound like such a big deal, except these automatic reboots take several minutes (an eternity if you're relying on the GPS to get you around), and the system tends to misplace your indexed music and linked phone info while fixing itself. Apparently, the only oth

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