03.03.2011 19:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Talking Carl app has been "hijacked", report angry users

Talking Carl is a mildly famous iPhone app in which a vaguely anthropomorphic red blob repeats things you say to it in a funny voice and responds to touches and prods with giggles and yelps. Readers have been sending us quite angry messages about a mysterious recent update to the app which replaced the cheerful Carl with a cardboard box, but it wasn't immediately obvious exactly what had happened. The app was originally developed as a collaboration between Yann Le Coroller, a motion designer and graphics expert, and Awyse, a software publisher. TUAW spoke with both Le Coroller and Guillaume Carre, CEO of Awyse, so we could get to the bottom of the story.

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