03.03.2011 13:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

AnandTech research shows Verizon iPhone 4 'death grip' reports are overblown

Consumer Reports tested the Verizon iPhone 4 using the same methodology as the original GSM version, and with the same results: signal strength drops if the iPhone 4 is gripped in a certain fashion, commonly known as the "death grip." As a result of its testing, Consumer Reports decided it couldn't recommend the Verizon iPhone 4, either. Similar testing done by AnandTech throws some cold water on Consumer Reports' findings, however. Not long after the Verizon iPhone 4's launch, AnandTech found the Verizon iPhone 4's "death grip is essentially mitigated." The Verizon iPhone 4 experienced a signal loss of 16.5 decibels (dB

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