03.03.2011 03:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

What was MIA from the big iPad announcements today?

Pretty exciting stuff at the Yerba Buena Center. From where I sit the new iPad is a substantial, but not groundbreaking upgrade. I do think it has created some unpleasant drama for the Android and unshipped Blackberry tablets. On the other hand, life is not all about fawning over every move Apple makes (despite what it feels like some days). As I step outside the reality distortion field, there were some things I wanted to see Apple include. More storage: We've seen the iPhone storage increase over time while prices stayed the same. The iPad is sitting at the same configurations at the same price. It would have been nice to see the 16 GB iPad dropped, with the 32 GB at the lower price point.

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