02.03.2011 21:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW TV Live at 5 PM ET: iPad 2 post-announcement love

In case you didn't get enough high-fiber content from your favorite Apple blog today when we went live with our coverage of the Apple event, I'll be providing input and commentary later this afternoon (5 PM ET / 2 PM PT / 10 PM GMT) on the regularly-scheduled TUAW TV Live. I'll have some special guests joining via Skype calls, and as usual you should expect to see any video or photos we have of today's event. The fun all starts here at 5 PM ET -- show up here a few minutes early to get logged into the Ustream chat tool and we'll be starting the live feed at 5. One other thing -- if you can't watch the show live, it's now available as a podcast in iTunes.

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