02.03.2011 03:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Oddsmakers make book on the iPad 2 event

Just before every Apple event, we get the word from Tony Harvey and the oddsmakers at Bookmaker.com. This time, they've set the odds on what to expect from the iPad 2. While these guys aren't tech pundits -- they're high stakes online sports bookies -- we thought you'd like to see what they came up with in terms of odds on various features for the upcoming iPad. In each case on the table (click "read more" to see it), the +/- indicates the return on the wager, while the percentage is the likelihood that response will occur. I'm not a betting man, but I indicated my selection by putting it in green on the table. In all cases, I pretty much agreed with the oddsmakers. I did take exception to two of the items listed -- the "slimmer, lighter, and retina display" because I feel that it will

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