19.11.2010 19:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Caption Contest: Steve Ballmer goes on kill-crazy rampage at Microsoft Store
In the photo above you see Microsoft's Steve Ballmer performing a ribbon cutting at the company's new store in Bellevue, Washington. Shortly after finishing with the ribbon, Ballmer proceeded to rampage the store and patrons, leaving 17 dead, 6 wounded, and a stunned Miley Cyrus wondering if she had made the wisest career decisions. Ballmer was finally subdued by Dave Matthews, who knocked the CEO unconscious with an 8-foot bong.
Josh: "I'm a PC, and I'm going to mess up your insides so bad, you'll pray for death."
Ben Bowers: "Anyone else want to claim Windows 7 was their idea?"
Chris: "To the cloud! With Windows 7 and Windows Live, Microsoft can mix and mat
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