30.08.2010 23:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Wolfhound sniffs out inmates' cellphones much better than an actual wolfhound would (video)

Are you the warden of a small-town prison, or perhaps an irate movie theater usher who's sick of ungrateful patrons interrupting Step Up 3D because they can't be bothered to turn of their handsets? Cellphone jamming is, for the most part, still out of the question, so Berkeley Varitronics has introduced a little something called the Wolfhound. Previously known as the Bloodhound, the device lets you hone in on RF signals, which means it won't help you if phones are powered down, but if your perp has one on standby, or if they're talking, texting, or surfing the web, you're golden. Interested? Of course you are! Hit the company up fo

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