30.08.2010 20:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Show - 012: Omar Khan talks Android and teases Galaxy Tab, Harmonix shows off Rock Band 3 and Dance Central, and more!

Get ready humans, because we have an all new, amazing Engadget Show fresh out of the box (for the second time this month!). For your viewing pleasure, we sit down with Samsung CSO Omar Khan to get the inside scoop on everything from Galaxy S, Android strategies, whatever is happening with Bada, the upcoming Galaxy Tab, and much more. Next, we check in with Engadget investigative correspondent Rick Karr who scales a skyscraper to chat up the man tasked with improving New York City's data infrastructure for AT&T. Then, Josh and Paul welcome fellow editors Joanna Stern and Chris Ziegler for an unforgettable roundtable before inviting Harmonix to the stage to show off Rock Band 3 (featuring a cameo guitar performance by the inimitable Ro

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