30.08.2010 19:07 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

My Living Desktop's scene store brings more life to your Mac

On Friday, we had a short piece about some half-off deals on Bodega, the "app store" for OS X. One of the applications that was receiving the discount deal was a popular desktop program from Amuse, Inc. called My Living Desktop (US$34.95). If you've never seen My Living Desktop in action, it's pretty amazing. Right now, I have a beautiful sunset scene taken at a swimming pool over looking the ocean filling my view on the 27" iMac screen. The clouds are moving, there's the constant sound of running water in the pool and the far-off crashing of the waves, and occasionally you'll hear a seagull. This, and the other scenes that are included with My Living Desktop, are very relaxing

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