30.08.2010 18:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Xbox Live Gold price increasing November 1 in US, UK, Canada, and Mexico

Well, this is sad and unexpected: Microsoft's Major Nelson just announced that Xbox Live Gold will be getting more expensive in the US, UK, Canada, and Mexico starting November 1. A single month will go from $7.99 to $9.99, three months will go from $19.99 to $24.99, and the yearly sub will now be $59.99, up from $49.99. Yes, it's super lame, but to make up for it Microsoft's offering a discounted $40 one-year Gold sub starting November 1 -- a nice deal if your subscription is set to expire around then, we suppose. We're definitely wondering on why Microsoft is jacking Live prices right before launching Kinect and the gaming-focused

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