30.08.2010 18:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

LG E720 with Android leaks: it's no Galaxy S killer

The great thing about Android is that it does a reasonably good job scaling from the high end of the hardware spectrum all the way down to the lowest of the low -- and it's on that cautionary note that we show you this alleged LG E720 that popped up on a Polish site over the weekend. We're apparently looking at a Froyo-equipped device featuring a 3.2 inch display -- which we're fairly certain will fall short of WVGA resolution -- along with Qualcomm's midrange MSM7227 core and a 5 megapixel camera around back. In other words, Galaxy S owners, rest easy: LG doesn't have your phone in its sights not with this particular model, anyhow. Pricing and availability remain to be seen, but with

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