30.08.2010 13:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

New E-P2 kit and E-5 DSLR rumored, Olympus surprise parties ruined

It's getting harder to keep a secret. Companies toil over surprise parties and then some blabber-mouth spills the beans. In this case the host is Olympus and the one holding the empty can is 43rumors who has word of a series of coming announcements from the company. First, on August 31, Olympus is said to be revealing a new E-P2 kit offering a 17mm lens and an external flash. Also announced will supposedly be a pair of new M.Zuiko lenses: a $900 75 - 300mm (150 - 600mm equivalent) f/4.8 - 6.7 model and a $300 40 - 150mm (80 - 300mm equivalent) f/4.0 - 5.6 model. More interesting, though, is a follow-up announcem

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