30.08.2010 08:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Korea Telecoms suffers an Identity Tab crisis

What's this? A 7-inch, aluminum-trimmed, multitouch tablet from Korea running Android? Why it could be none other than the Samsung Galaxy, er, KT Identity Tab. Think of this 1GHz tablet with TFT-LCD, 8GB of internal memory (and SD expansion), DMB TV tuner, light and gravity sensors, built-in ebook reader, and 3 megapixel camera as KT's answer to Samsung's Galaxy Tab Android 2.2 tablet expected to hit SK Telecom, South Korea's largest carrier, sometime in September. And with KT's take on the Tab priced at KRW300,000 (about $253) or free with KRW27,000 per month contract and 50G WiMax (aka, WiBro in Korea) data plan, it certainly sets the expectation for how Samsung will price its Ta

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